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The Recruiter’s Guide to Becoming More Strategic

You’re on the front lines as recruiting evolves. Despite all the talk about AI and automation, you are uniquely positioned to transform your organisation’s ability to find and attract top talent.

Expect to learn:

  • What automation and AI can’t do, and what it means for you as a recruiter
  • 5 big ways the role of the recruiter is evolving
  • 20 ways you can have a broader, more strategic impact
  • How to find more time to build relationships, create partnerships, and manage high-profile initiatives

You’ll also learn how recruiters at one company took over the responsibility of hiring from hiring managers, delivering 8 hours per week back to each manager.

The Recruiter’s Guide to Becoming More Strategic
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Meet The Needs of Your Knowledge-Hungry Audience

Modern learners are assaultved from every angle with a barrage of distractions and responsibilities. This guidebook contains everything you need to cut through the noise and engage with this audience.

Common Traits and Characteristics Of Modern Learners
Understanding the modern learner empowers you to create meaningful learning experiences for your audience.

Ways to Appeal to Modern Learners
Applying modern learning principles will allow you to create meaningful learning experiences for your knowledge-hungry teams.

And the Benefits That Arise From Meeting Their Needs
Meeting modern learners’ needs allows you to empower them to succeed. This, in turn, helps your organisation to thrive.

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