Change management

Change management is a structured approach to transitioning individuals or organizations from the current state to the desired state. Companies stay ahead of the game when they think ahead about how they can manage the introduction, implementation, and consequences of major organizational changes. And, change management is a way in which an organization empowers its people to adapt to certain changes. For instance, if a team were to switch to a more cross-functional way of working, there would be technological and organizational changes to deal with. And, for this, a change management strategy would be imperative.

Change management is a systematic approach to dealing with the transition or transformation of an organization’s goals, processes or technologies. The purpose of change management is to implement strategies for effecting change, controlling change and helping people to adapt to change. Such strategies include having a structured procedure for requesting a change, as well as mechanisms for responding to requests and following them up.

Career Path

A career path comprises a group of (typically related) jobs that an individual works on the path toward their career goals. Career paths traditionally imply vertical growth or advancement to higher-level positions, but they can also include lateral (sideways) movement within or across industries..

Career Break

A career break is an agreed period of time off from employment, either for family reasons or for personal or professional development. Career breaks are typically between one month and two years, although some people will initially commit to shorter breaks – for example a month – so they can try out new activities and see if they enjoy them before committing to a longer period of time.