Skills Graph
Connect your people with the essential skills they need to adapt, grow, and be future ready.

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Meet the Future, Ready
A Guide for Talent Leaders Shaping the New World of Work
Experience the benefits of closing critical skills gaps while engaging and growing your people with Cornerstone Skills Graph.

Self-driven skill insight
The Cornerstone Skills Graph can develop a rich skill profile for each of your people with only a job title and resume. Anyone can create a self-driven learning experience, choosing the skills to drive their career forward and even muting skills that don’t fit their journey.
Build skill-orientated teams
Managers can use employee skill profiles to drive meaningful conversations about development, where employees want to go, and how to get there. Feedback and ratings help your people understand where they are now and where to focus their skill development.

Report on skills across the organisation
Gain insights into the core and specialised skills across your organisation to more purposefully invest your skills development time and resources and grow your people and organisation more effectively.
Succession Management
Monitor key employee metrics to recognise high potential employees, position them for leadership success, and prep the entire pipeline to support the shift.


Automatic skill insights
Build personalised skill profiles for every employee and generate skills reports to understand where to invest.

A common language
Connect people growth with business success when you can detect a person's skills from any text to better tag content, SMEs, and roles.

Personalised skill pathing
Automatically build personalised skill profiles with resume upload and skills onboarding.

Better skill building
Empower your people with insights into the skills they need to grow their careers and define their own paths to success.

How Samsung grows with its partners

When Content Means More Than Compliance

Content Anytime: Content that evolves as quickly as the world of work

High-quality, multilingual skills and compliance content

Content Anytime Essentials for SMBs: Develop high functioning teams through skill building

Cornerstone Recruiting: Hire and retain the best talent

Cornerstone Highly Rated by HerbertNathan & Co. in first Scandinavian LMS Report